
Microsoft edge for windows 10 offline installer
Microsoft edge for windows 10 offline installer

If you are referring to the sentence he Enterprise version is not intended for consumers, and installation of the Enterprise version of EgdeChromium might or might not update normally after the initial installation if you are running Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro rather than Windows 10 Enterprise."] then I think you might have misunderstood the issue I tried to raise. ou don't need enterprise edition of Windows." ost of your assumptions are wrong because I tested it myself on Windows 10 pro.

microsoft edge for windows 10 offline installer microsoft edge for windows 10 offline installer

I wouldn't bother with the Enterprise installer unless you have a "curiosity killed the cat" urge, because the Enterprise version is not intended for consumers, and installation of the Enterprise version of EgdeChromium might or might not update normally after the initial installation if you are running Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro rather than Windows 10 "You can read my comment here. The difference between the two installers is that the Enterprise installer (MicrosoftEdgeEnterpriseX64.msi) and the Microsoft Edge Insider installer (MicrosoftEdgeSetupBeta.exe) is that the Enterprise installer embeds Version 79.0.309.56 into Windows 10, replacing EdgeClassic, while the Microsoft Edge Insider installer does not embed Version 79.0.309.56 into Windows 10, leaving EdgeClassic intact. The Enterprise EdgeChromium links that HotCakeX provided and the Microsoft Edge Insider consumer link both download installers for identical EdgeChromum versions ( Version 79.0.309.56), so there is no reason to use the Enterprise installer rather than the Microsoft Edge Insider installer.

Microsoft edge for windows 10 offline installer